Special Consultant
Rick Hahn retired from the FBI after a career that spanned 32 years. Through his career, Mr. Hahn served in the New York, San Juan and Chicago Field offices of the FBI, the FBI Laboratory in Washington, D. C., and retired in 1999 from the position of Senior Supervisory Agent of the FBI office in Long Beach, California.
As an Agent he specialized in investigations of domestic and international terrorist organizations. He led a landmark investigation that that located and penetrated the first active terrorist safe house ever found in America in 1983.
In 1987 he was assigned to the FBI Laboratory Explosives Unit. While in the position of an explosive devices examiner he traveled extensively to the sites of terrorist bombings against U. S. targets around the world including the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 (Lockerbie, Scotland, 1988) and several bombings in South America. He served as the overall crime scene commander at the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York in 1993 and at the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City (1995).
Rick has been a terrorism analyst for MSNBC News and appeared as a commentator for several other television news programs. He has authored articles on the topics of terrorism and security for various business journals. He has travelled to Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle-East as a State Department instructor in their Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program.
Rick has a Master’s of Science in Safety, Security and Emergency Management from Eastern Kentucky University. He is the recipient of several awards including the U.S. Attorney General’s Distinguished Service award for his work in counter-terrorism. He is also the author of two yet to be published books:
American Terrorists – The True Story of The FALN, America’s Most Prolific Terror Group
Terror’s Dawn – The History of the FALN and The Beginning of Terrorism in America
Special Consultant
Mr. Hahn is self-employed as R. Hahn & Company, Inc. Through the company he conducts security consulting and private investigations. Mr. Hahn also works as a training instructor for the U.S. Department of State Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program. He is an instructor in Critical Incident Management, Major Case Management, Interdicting Terrorist Activities and Post Blast Investigation as well as other courses. He has developed course materials and training exercises for the State Department and for private clients.